Install the rainloop and NOCC web mail for mails management.

Download the latest rainloop zip package from make a directory rainloop in your domain document root copy the zip packages to it and unzip.
To set proper permissions and ownership, open the rainloop directory and run these codes inside it:

find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
chown -R www-data:www-data .
We use mysql for contact database, create mysql user rainloop and the mysql database rainloop, and then give the user grant permissions for rainloop database:
#mysql> CREATE USER 'rainloop'@'localhost';
#mysql> CREATE DATABASE rainloop DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
#mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON rainloop.* TO rainloop@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '';
In the admin pannel in contact page select the mysql for the database server and rainloop for the user and the password if you applied and click the test button to test the created mysql database.
To configure rainloop open the url",enter the default user name "admin" and password "12345".
Add the localhost domain for the local mailbox, you can add the other remote domains like gmail and others for the mail accounts.
The configuration files of rainloop is in data directory, to upgrade to the new version unpack the rainloop zip and copy the data directory from the old version to the new version and set the proper permissions and ownership.
Install NOCC webm mail
Download the NOCC webmail from the Install the php-imap:
apt install php-imap
Unpack the nocc tar ball in the web server root directory, and edit the configuration file /nocc/config/conf.php.dist ,then rename to the conf.php:
$conf->domains[$i] = new stdClass();
$conf->domains[$i]->domain = '';
$conf->domains[$i]->in = 'localhost:143/notls';
$conf->domains[$i]->smtp = 'localhost';
$conf->domains[$i]->smtp_port = 25;
$conf->domains[$i]->login_with_domain = false;
$conf->domains[$i]->login_with_domain_character = '@';
$conf->domains[$i]->login_prefix = '';
$conf->domains[$i]->login_suffix = '';
$conf->domains[$i]->login_aliases = array();
$conf->domains[$i]->login_allowed = array();
$conf->domains[$i]->smtp_auth_method = '';
$conf->domains[$i]->imap_namespace = 'INBOX';
$conf->domains[$i]->have_ucb_pop_server = false;
$conf->domains[$i]->quota_enable = false;
$conf->domains[$i]->quota_type = 'STORAGE';
Set the master key and the tmp dir:
// Master key for session password encryption. Longer is better.
// It must not be left empty.
$conf->master_key = 'anything';
$conf->tmpdir = '/tmp';
Set the ownership of nocc directory for the web server:

chown -R www-data:www-data nocc
To open your new web mail open the url

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