Telnet commands for users.

To find the live pc's on network run the ping and nmap as:

ping -b -c 3 -i 20 broadcast_address
nmap -sP
Then run the nmap for each ip to get the details of that ip:
nmap -O -A ip_address
Get web page with telnet
Telnet on port 80 of web server, when connected run the get command to get the web page for example to get officers.html:
telnet 80
GET /officers.html HTTP/2.0
2.0 is the HTTP version.
Send mail with telnet
Connect to the smpt port 25 with telnet, then run these commands:
telnet mail.server.tld 25
2. Introduce us in SMTP server
helo host.mydomain.tld
3. Send email address of the sender
mail from: [email protected]
4. Send email address of the recipient
5. Let's go with body to the message
6. Send Name and Email adress of the sender
From: John Smith <[email protected]>
7. Send Name and Email address of the recipient
8. Next Subject of the message
Subject: nesto alabala
9. Continue with the message
text text
text text text
10. Let's say to SMTP server to send the message (??? YES this is only DOT???), When you finish your e-mail, press [ENTER], then a '.'(dot), and again an [ENTER]. This tells the server that you have finished the e-mail, and it can send it.
h6 class="w3-text-blue"> 11. Close telnet session
Connecto to POP3
telnet 110 USER fred
PASS laRge1
+OK fred has 34 visible messages (0 hidden) in 764695 octets.
means fred has 34 messages which are 764695 bytes (octets).
show total messages with their size in bytes.
will list the messages with thier size.
top 4 20
The top command will print the 4th email with it's 20 first lines,To see just the header and nothing from the body, use TOP 1 0.
To view a message in its entirety, use the RETR (for retrieve) command;
To delete a message, use the DELE (for delete) command;
When you are done, use the QUIT command;
checking an Autoturn MX backup mail server
telnet 79 <CR>
dequeuing X messages [only shown if there are messages waiting to be sent to your SMTP server]
[press Telnet Escape key CTRL+] to get back to the local telnet prompt - there is no other way to disconnect]

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