apt install gshutdown
In command line use these commands:
sudo shutdown -h +m
sudo shutdown –h hh:mm
+m means after certain minutes +60 after 60 minutes, hh:mm at
this o,clock 18:20 at 6:20 PM
yes '' | <your_command_here >
echo | <your_command_here >
You can put the above in a bash script to run the command.
echo -n " " | <your_command_here >
The -n flag tells echo not to issue a newline after the string.
# this script will check a proccess if not running will start.
URL="-u http://mirror.yandex.ru/ubuntu-releases/17.10/ ubuntu-17.10-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync"
pidof $SERVICE &>/dev/null || ( cd /home/user/ubuntu && $ZSYNC $URL )
The above script will check the zsync if not running will open the /home/user/ubuntu directory and will
start the zsync and download the ubuntu iso from the above url.
aptitude install audacity mp3splt mp3splt-gtk libmp3splt0-mp3 libmp3splt0-ogg mp3wrap
mp3splt is command line and mp3splt-gtk is gui splitting tool and mp3wrap is joining tool, to split in command line run the command:
mp3splt -f -t 15.0 -a -d split_dir *.mp3
-f for MP3 files only, -t TIME: specifies the length, measured in time, to make each piece. You will replace `TIME` with a
numerical value expressed in minutes, such as 4.0 for four minutes or 7.30 for seven minutes, thirty seconds, -a: automatically
adjusts the split points to occur during silences, which avoids splitting in the middle of a word, -d split_dir:writes the split files to a
sub-folder named split_dir, *.mp3: process all the MP3 files in the current folder. If you are splitting Ogg Vorbis files,
change this to *.ogg.
gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Launcher favorites
The output will be:
['application://nautilus.desktop', 'application://chromium-browser.desktop', 'application://ubuntu-software-center.desktop', 'application://ubuntuone-installer.desktop', 'application://ubuntu-amazon-default.desktop', 'application://UbuntuOneMusiconeubuntucom.desktop', 'application://gnome-control-center.desktop', 'unity://running-apps', 'unity://expo-icon', 'unity://devices']
To remove the workspaces icon from the dock you should just take out 'unity://expo-icon' from that list.
gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher favorites "['application://nautilus.desktop', 'application://chromium-browser.desktop', 'application://ubuntu-software-center.desktop', 'application://ubuntuone-installer.desktop', 'application://ubuntu-amazon-default.desktop', 'application://UbuntuOneMusiconeubuntucom.desktop', 'application://gnome-control-center.desktop', 'unity://running-apps', 'unity://devices']"