Some linux commands for users page1.

Category Linux command Description
Netwok nm-tool will output the information Network Manager has collected about your card.
Hard ware lshw prents information about hard wares with -C select the catagory
Networklspci -nn | grep 0280prints informatin of wireless adapter
Wirelesspccardctl identInformation about wireless adapter.
Netwoklshw -C networkPrints netwok devices
Boardlspci lists information about devices on the pci bus.
USBsusblists information about devices on the USB bus.
Moduleslsmodlists kernel modules that are loaded and running.
Modulesmodprobe runs or stops a module from running.
rf devicesrfkill listprints information detailing whether there are software or hardware blocks on your rf devices.
Wirelessiwconfigprints information about a wireless interface and allows you to configure the network interface from the command line.
Netwokip addrsimilar to iwconfig
Wirelessiwlistdetailed information from the wireless interface.
copycpcopy from the target to the destination
0crontabto run the processes frequently in the given time
0ctrl+Zinterrupt a process runing in the foreground
0crtl+Cstop a process runing in the foreground
0dfshow partitions of hard disk
0duestimate file space usag
0fgput the background program to the foreground
0fileshowt file types
findfindfind the file in this directory
0freeDisplay amount of free and used memory in the system
0fsckcheck and repair Linux file systems
findgrepuse with ls to find the file
0groupaddcreating group you must be root
0groupsshow the group of user
0gunzipdecopress the gzip files
0headshow the first part of the file
0historyshow the last n numbers history of bash
0ifconfigconfigure your network interface
0idprint real and effective user and group IDs
0jobslist the background programs
0killend the numbered process
0ldconfigconfigure dynamic linker run time bindings
0lesslist the files partialy, continue with enter
shortcutlinkcreate soft links to the files
findlocatelist directories contains the file
dirlslist the files in the directory
new foldermkdirwill create all the directories in the path
same as formatmkfsformat &build a Linux file system
0mountThe command reports all the mounted devices
0moresame as less
deletemvperminently delete file or direcotry
renamemvrename the file or direcotry
movemvmoves the file or direcotry from source to the destination
netsatenetstateshow network statuss
0passwdchanging password for the current user
0psshow runing porcess
0pwdshow the current working directory
rebootrebootrebooting the system
0renicealter priority of runing process
deletermdelete files or direcotories
0sleepdelay for the specified time in seconds(s),minutes(m),hours(h)
0suwork as root and the user account,you will be asked for the root password
0tailshow the end part of file
0tardecopress files tar.gz
0tardecopress tar.bz2 files
0tardecompress tar files
0topdisplay linux tasks
makefiletouchcreate the named file in the path
0unameprint system information
0uptimesince how long the system is runing
0useraddadd new user you must be root
0userdeldelete the user you must be root with -r will delete the home directory as well
0vmstatereport virtual memorry statistics
0wwho is logged on and what are doing
0wallsend the message to every bodies terminal who is logged on
findwhereissearch a program or file and show the path
0whichshow the path of the program
0whoshow who is logged on

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