Some linux commands for users page2.

WindowsLinux command How to runDefination
0aproposapropos   name_grouplist the installed application related to the gruop,for example type:
apropos browser
will list all installed browsers
0atat   job   timeexecutes commands at a specified time
0atqatqlists the user's pending jobs
0atrmatrm   job_numberdeletes jobs, identified by their job number
0&command   &puts the program in the background
0bgbgreactivate the suspended program in the background
0bzip2bzip2   -dvf   file_bz2decopress bz2 files
0catcat   /path/to/filewrites the contents of the file to the terminale or to other input
opencdcd   /path/to/direcotryopen the directories
cd one level up
0chgrpchgrp   -R   group   file_namechange the group of file or directory
0chmodchmod    -R   0RGO   file_namechange permissions for the file,first zero is not count, R=owner,G=group,O=others,0=no permission,execute=1,write=2,read=4
for example to give all permissions to all:
chmod -R 0777 myfile
0chownchown   -R   owner   file_namechang the owner of file or directory
copycpcp -ivr target  destinationcopy from the target to the destination
0crontabcrontab   -eto run the processes frequently in the given time
0ctrl+Zctrl+zinterrupt a process runing in the foreground
0crtl+Cctrl+Cstop a process runing in the foreground
0dfdfshow partitions of hard disk
0dudu   file_nameestimate file space usag
0fgfgput the background program to the foreground
0filefile file_nameshowt file types
findfindfind   file   search_directoryfind the file in this directory
0freefreeDisplay amount of free and used memory in the system
0fsckfsck    device name or mount pointcheck and repair Linux file systems
findgrepls   |   grep    file_nameuse with ls to find the file
0groupaddgroupadd   group_namecreating group you must be root
0groupsgroups   user_nameshow the group of user
0gunzipgunzip   file_.gzdecopress the gzip files
0headhead  lines or bytes   file_nameshow the first part of the file
0historyhistory   -n   numbershow the last n numbers history of bash
0ifconfigifconfig [interface]configure your network interface
0idid [options]print real and effective user and group IDs
0jobsjobslist the background programs
0killkill   -9   process_numberend the numbered process
0ldconfigldconfigconfigure dynamic linker run time bindings
0lessls   |   lesslist the files partialy, continue with enter
shortcutlinklink   -s   target_file  link_namecreate soft links to the files
findlocatelocate  file_namelist directories contains the file
dirlsls  directory_namelist the files in the directory
new foldermkdirmkdir   -p    /path/and/namewill create all the directories in the path
same as formatmkfsmkfs [ -V ] [ -t fstype ] [ fs-options ] partition or mount point [ blocks ]format &build a Linux file system
0mountmountThe command reports all the mounted devices
0morels | moresame as less
deletemvmv   direcotry_nameperminently delete file or direcotry
renamemvmv   old_file   new_filerename the file or direcotry
movemvmv   -iv   source_pathe   destination_pathmoves the file or direcotry from source to the destination
netsatenetstatenetstateshow network statuss
0passwdpasswdchanging password for the current user
0psps   auwxshow runing porcess
0pwdpwdshow the current working directory
rebootrebootrebootrebooting the system
0renicerenice   -n increament   process_numberalter priority of runing process
deletermrm   -rf   file_namedelete files or direcotories
0sleepsleep   number   sdelay for the specified time in seconds(s),minutes(m),hours(h)
0susuwork as root and the user account,you will be asked for the root password
0tailtail   lines or bytes   file_nameshow the end part of file
0tartar   -zxrf   file_.tar.gzdecopress files tar.gz
0tartar   -jxvf   file_tar.bz2decopress tar.bz2 files
0tartar   -xvf   file_tardecompress tar files
0toptopdisplay linux tasks
makefiletouchtouch   /path/to/file_namecreate the named file in the path
0unameuname   -rmprint system information
0uptimeuptimesince how long the system is runing
0useradduseradd   -g  group_name   user_nameadd new user you must be root
0userdeluserdel   user_namedelete the user you must be root with -r will delete the home directory as well
0vmstatevmstatereport virtual memorry statistics
0wwwho is logged on and what are doing
0wallwall   messagesend the message to every bodies terminal who is logged on
findwhereiswhereis   program_namesearch a program or file and show the path
0whichwhich   program_nameshow the path of the program
0whowhoshow who is logged on

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